Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Myths about roof stain removal

Myth #1: 
Algae on the roof is really a signal that it's time for a new roof ? 
Simply the presence of algae stains does not necessarily equate with needing a new roof.  In many cases all a roof needs is a good professional clean to restore its original look and health.  You might notice that many roofers and roofing companys don’t like roof cleaners, this is because we keep them honest.  If a roofer tells you that you need a whole new roof just because of some moss/algae staining tell him to take a walk and look up your local pressure roof cleaning company instead.  You’ll save a huge amount of money.

Myth #2: 
Black and yellow roof stains are caused by tar, acid OR dirt? 
Roof stains are caused by a hardy type of blue-green algae called Gloeocapsa Magma. Or black, yellow lichen or lumpy fury wet green coloured moss, all it takes is for one algae spore to land on your roof and take hold and then it’s off to the races.  These algae will continue to multiply and spread, its growth fed by the limestone filler in the shingles, roof tiles, slates and moisture.

Myth #3: 
Roof algae removal will have no real impact on a home's curb appeal ?
Most people are shocked when they see how much better their home looks after a roof cleaning.  I think this is because most homeowners have gotten so used to seeing the stains on their roof that they’ve completely forgotten how good it once looked.  I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve cleaned the roof of a house that had been on the (for sale) market for  months with virtually no activity and within days of the cleaning it finally started getting serious offers.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that no matter how beautiful your landscaping, no matter how clean your windows, no matter how precise the painted trim, if your roof is covered in filthy algae stains then it will still ruin your curb appeal, if not in your eyes then in the eyes of your family, friends, neighbours, and potential buyers.

Myth #4:  
Roof moss/algae is only a cosmetic issue so it can be ignored for now ? 
If not cleaned off and kept at bay roof algae has the ability to shave years off the life of your roof.  It’s important to remember that roof algae is a living organism that needs food to continue to grow.  Guess what the favourite food of roof algae is? 
That’s right – your roof shingles, tiles, slates, some manufacturers now use additives in the manufacturing process which the algae just loves to chew on.  This will result in premature loss and a general deterioration. When these living organisms attack they affect the vital health of your roof and home because they work to deflect UV rays and heat away from your roof surface.  If the roof is covered with algae then you will have a hotter attic and higher bills.  You’ll also have to replace the roof a lot sooner,  it’s just a no-brainer to keep your roof clean and functional for a fraction of the cost.
I’m telling you like it is because there are too many lies flying around.  Either you can buy into one of the myths and be disappointed with the results or you can clean your roof the right way and be extremely satisfied with your new looking, beautiful home that is free of roof moss/algae/lichen.

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